Tuesday, 2 February 2010

First post of the 23 things

This is a bit like someone sticking a microphone in front of you and instructing you to say something. Even the most vociferous of us (and I count myself amongst them) has a moment of doubt as all bright ideas vacate the brain for a moment- or two!

Why am I doing the 23 things? Well, I looked at the programme and thought "nah, I've done all that" and then I read it again and realised that actually I either hadn't done all that or I hadn't applied it to a library context. I have to hold my hands up to being a web 2.0 cynic to a certain extent but I'm certainly not a Luddite and I would heartily embrace anything that I thought would be of long term benefit to my role and the library profession as a whole. Pompous? Yes very probably - but I am beginning to earn my Grumpy Old Woman status! :-)


  1. Glad you're taking part, Chris - hope you enjoy it!

  2. ...and now you have a follower too, so you'd better be entertaining!!
